As Built / Field Measure

Many times older buildings or houses have lost their original building plans or they’ve been renovated so many times the plans don’t accurately represent what exists. IPC Services, Inc. will mobilize to the site and measure every aspect of the building and re-create an accurate representation of that building right there on site. Coupled with extensive photography, the finished product will give you an accurate platform to launch a renovation, remodeling, or room addition project.

Accurate As-Built Plans to Simplify Projects

Let’s face it. In this business communication is everything. Hiring IPC Services to perform this service on your next project will help reduce economic loss of the unknown or inaccurately recorded. Subs and material suppliers will have a clear and accurate understanding of what exists and be in a much better position to provide accurate take-offs and estimates.

  • Construction Experienced field crew ensures accurate onsite recording
  • Existing conditions digital photography
  • CAD Generated plans right on site
  • Flexible hours to accommodate tough schedules
  • Also available for other design professionals
Accurate As Built Design Plans being reviewed on a computer