Construction Site Plans

Building departments require a site plan showing where a proposed structure or addition is going to be placed on a property and how it rests in relation to existing structures, buildings, utilities, and property lines. Properly created site plans are an essential part of the documents required for permitting approval. IPC Services can produce residential site plans that provide accurate dimensions and square footage calculations to determine driveways, sidewalks and other concrete “flat” areas. With all the dimensions we include, our site plans will also assist your field crews in laying out a proposed residence as well. In addition, it’s also easy for us to provide an overlay of a proposed site plan onto an aerial map as you’ll see below.

Contact IPC Services to map your site layout.

Advantages of choosing IPC Services for your Development Site Plans

  • Accurate
  • Experienced at small and large properties
  • Designed with the terrain in mind
  • And much more!

Example Site Plans

Click on an example site plan that we’ve developed for builders to see it in more detail.

site plan
site plan overlay on aerial map
site plan built with CAD